AR/Library Media Services
You can log onto Renaissance Place from home to see what quizzes you have already taken. Go to to see what quizzes are available. With Renaissance Place Sumner Hill has access to all the AR quizzes. Don't forget you don't have to check out the book from the Sumner Hill library to take a quiz. You can read books from the public library, from your personal library or borrow it from a friend.
Your child is using a computer software program called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect. Renaissance Home Connect is a fun, easy-to-use, easy-to-understand web-based interface that allows your child, you, and the teacher to share in the educational experience by viewing progress in certain Renaissance Place programs while outside of school.
You can view Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection using these browsers:
• Internet Explorer® 6.02 or later
• Firefox® 1.5 or later
• Safari™ 2.0.3 or later
Use your child's user name and password that appears on the letter that was given to your child in his/her English class. If you need a duplicate, please let me know and I'll be glad to reproduce the letter. This same username and password appears on the Rennaissance Card that has issued to him/her the first part of September.
In Renaissance Home Connect you can also:
• Click Email Setup to sign up to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results
• Click Help to get answers to your questions about Renaissance Home Connect