Third Grade
Welcome to Third Grade!
Third grade is an extremely busy year filled with fun and learning. We desire to provide a safe, enriching environment where students learn not only the state curriculum, but also the ability to be creative, critical thinkers. Teachers use a variety of instructional methods to reach all learning styles. Our classrooms are equipped with technology that keeps students eagerly engaged in their daily learning activities.
There are some things you can do to help your child have a successful third-grade year. Since reading is fundamental in every aspect of life, it is important to read with your child every day. There will be multiple opportunities to read with him/her, whether it’s a list of high frequency words, an A.R. book, or reading passage for that week. Another way to ensure success is by learning, practicing, and memorizing their multiplication facts. Students should not only be accurate, but they should also know them automatically (within seconds). Speed, as well as accuracy, is important. Students will be more successful with future objectives if they have a strong foundation in these areas.
We hope third grade will be a memorable year for all students! If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please contact your child’s teacher to discuss them. Communication is vital to a successful school year!