ACCENT Gifted Program
Clinton Public School District
Clinton, Mississippi
The ACCENT program is designed for students whose measured intelligence places them in the top five percent nationally. Students attend gifted classes five hours each week. The program begins in the second grade and continues through the sixth grade.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Clinton Public School District’s Gifted Program is to maximize student potential through challenging curriculum and differentiated instruction which provide learning experiences planned for depth, complexity, creativity, and productive thought.
Program Goals and Objectives
*To expand interests through the development of efficient and effective research
>Retrieve information from diverse and various sources
>Format information using a variety of methods
>Develop a creative research product
>Plan and present research findings to an appropriate audience
>Connect research to contemporary, scientific, and/or technological fields
>Explore various career choices
*To foster reasoning abilities through the strengthening of thinking skills
>Identify the parts of an idea as well as recognize the relationships of those parts
>Arrange and combine elements in order to form a whole not previously evident
>Assess the value of an idea or concept as related to its stated purpose
>Arrive at a conclusion based on reasoning from the specific to the general
>Demonstrate an understanding of figural relationships
*To encourage originality, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration
>Demonstrate the ability to generate a large number of ideas
>Demonstrate the ability to have ideas in different categories of thought
>Demonstrate the ability to produce new and/or unique ideas
>Demonstrate the ability to embellish ideas or products by adding details
>Utilize the intuitive process
>Connect apparently irrelevant objects in order to formulate new views to problems
*To provide opportunities to learn leadership and group dynamics skills
>Participate appropriately in a group discussion
>Function as an effective group member
>Explore the characteristics of a good leader
>Analyze leadership styles
>Examine four types of group members
*To assist in developing problem-solving abilities
>Identify problems
>Find facts relating to the situation
>Define problems
>Seek solutions to a problem
>Evaluate proposed solutions
>Implement the plan
*To help develop sensitivity to others as well as a better understanding of self
>Develop a better understanding of and appreciation for self
>Develop a better understanding of and appreciation for others