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Meet the Principals

Kelli Pope


              Kelli Pope, Principal                          Summer Rigney, Assistant Principal

Hello Arrows,

We are so excited to welcome you to another great year at Clinton Park Elementary!  Our faculty and staff are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our children and will work to create a safe and enriching learning environment that supports and motivates students to do their personal best.  It’s our goal to ensure all little ARROWS are offered quality academic experiences personalized for their learning needs.  We’re convinced amazing potential awaits as we begin this new school year!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us here at the school at (601) 924-5205.  Along with our faculty and staff, we are anxiously eager to meet each of our new and returning students.   

Go Arrows! 



Kelli Pope, Principal -
Summer Rigney, Assistant Principal -


Accelerated Reader

AR logo


We want our students to develop a lifelong love for reading at Clinton Park!
Accelerated Reader is a computer-based reading program aimed to motivate students to set and meet reading goals. This program allows students to read a book and take a computerized comprehension test while at school. Points are awarded for each test the student masters. Prizes are awarded for these accumulated points.
Students are introduced to the AR program once they have developed fluency with basic sight words (usually about 100 words).
Click here to search for AR titles: