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Become a School Adopter today!
Clinton’s public schools have a long-standing tradition of partnering with local businesses on a variety of projects and events.


These relationships are always mutually beneficial; when parents and teachers see a business supporting their school, they want to support that business in return. Partnerships like this help keep our community strong.

School adopters provide financial support and volunteer hours for a number of projects, ranging from spring picnics to spirit nights to proctoring state tests. They often are not based on a dollar amount, but what needs a school has.

How businesses can help schools:

-       Mentor at-risk students

-       Fund Accelerated Reader incentives at elementary schools

-       Provide student incentives ($5 gift cards, cups, pens, school supplies, etc.)

-       Supply paper products (cups, plates, napkins) for events and programs

-       Proctor state tests

-       Host Spirit Night fundraisers

        -     Provide monetary donations 

-       Donate reams of paper (white or color) for use by teachers

-       Provide office supplies, hand sanitizer or basic school supplies

-       Donate equipment such as digital cameras, Wii gaming system, portable flash drives, etc.

-       Lunch and/or snacks for teachers 

Each school has "school adopter" business partners (see below). For information on how your business can become a school adopter, CLICK HERE for a listing of schoool principals and contact information.
At the district level, there are businesses that support awards/recognition programs and otherwise further the goals of the Clinton Public School District. If you would like for your business to be a district-level business partner, please contact Public Information Officer Robert Chapman at or 601-924-7533.