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On-line Registration:

On-line registration for returning students to CPSD will be accessed through the PowerSchool (PS) Parent Portal as it was last school year.  Parents will need to have a PS parent portal account for each of their children.  Parents that have multiple children in the district need only one PS Parent portal account with all their children linked to that one account.  In addition to viewing grades, the portal gives them access to the link for on-line registration when it is available.  IF a parent in the district does not currently have a PS parent portal account, they need to contact their child's school for directions in setting that up before school ends. 
  Incoming kindergartners for the 2018-2019 school year will have access to the on-line process on April 9, 2018.  This is for incoming kindergartners ONLY.   Parents will access the link through the Clinton School District webpage  They should click on the link for 2018-2019 Kindergarten Registration, follow the directions to either create a account, or log in to their existing account, then enter the child's information.  Parents of incoming kindergartners still need to come to Kindergarten Pre-Registration on Tuesday, April 17th at Clinton Park Elementary School, from 4 - 7 p.m.  More information can be found at Incoming kindergatners register click here.

Returning students:  The returning student form will be available mid May.  Parents will be notified by email when the form for returning students is available.  When parents get that email, they can log in to the PS parent portal and click on the 2018-2019 Registration link to complete the form for the upcoming school year.  Parents can click on the 2018-2019 Registration link whenever they see it in the PS portal, even if they didn't get the email.  PLEASE make sure you access the 2018-2019 Registration link. 
  New students to CPSD for the 2018-2019 school year in all other grades will be able to complete on-line registration for  their students around the middle of May.  Parents can access the link through the district webpage.  They should click on 2018-2019 New Student Registration at which time they will be prompted to create a account, or log in to their existing account if they have one already.   All other information required by our district for registration can be found at the district webpage, or by calling Central Office.