Frequently Asked Questions
The Clinton Public School District is committed to providing our students with the best education possible. In order to maximize learning, today’s students require different tools and strategies that were not available in years past. After months of discussion, testing, and research, the Clinton Public School District elected to implement a 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative whereby every student and teacher will be assigned a new digital device.
To assist you and your family through this implementation, we have created a list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding the launch of our 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative.
My child has lost or damaged their computer charger. What do we do?
Your child will need to replace the charger with a new one. The fastest way for this to happen is to purchase one from a retail store. The computer charger and extender cable are sold at the Apple Store in Ridgeland, MS for $79. The iPad charger is sold at the Apple Store in Ridgeland, MS for $40. The District has attempted to purchase chargers and extender cables at a discount price, so we could pass those savings on to parents and students. However, at this time, Apple does not discount these items. The Apple Care Warranty that we have purchased for each computer only covers manufacture malfunctions and not replacement parts.
My child cannot download software?
This is correct. Students do not have administrator privileges on their devices. Students are able to add music files and pictures, but cannot download software, games, or application packages. If your child needs an application for a school assignment, he/she will need to submit a ticket through Freshdis and have his/her teacher provide a written email to our support staff of what exactly is needed and for what purpose. Our technicians will be able to assist them.
How do I print?
We are encouraging students and teachers to print as little as possible. Our Learning Management System, Canvas, will allow the student to drop assignments and other work to their teacher without needing to print it out. For students who need printers set up at home, go to Self Service on your student computer and click on "How to Set Up Printers".
What is a 1:1 program?
A 1:1 program represents the most comprehensive technology integration program available for instructional purposes. It requires that every student and teacher involved in the program have direct access to a personal computing device at all times.
What is the overall reason(s) for implementing a 1:1 laptop initiative?
The Clinton Public School District 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative guarantees opportunities to elevate success through safe, relevant, innovative and engaging experiences which promote excellence for all.
The purpose of this initiative is to equip students for excellence by providing the best in technology, the best learning environment, and the best opportunity to compete in the 21st-century global society.
Our 1:1 motto is Equipping + Elevating + Engaging = Excellence!
Is there any research to support the implementation of a 1:1 technology program?
There is a growing body of evidence that documents positive gains collected from 1:1 technology-rich learning environments. Conclusions drawn from available research include favorable outcomes for students, staff, and the community. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Increased academic test scores
- Increased student engagement
- Improvement in student and staff attendance.
- Reductions in student behavior problems.
- Increased parental interest in school activities.
- Improved student and staff morale.
- Improved teaching pedagogy toward problem-based learning
What type of technology will my child receive?
Every student will have access to a new digital device. Each kindergarten – 3rd grade homeroom classroom will be equipped with a mobile cart of iPad Pros. Each 4th – 5th grade homeroom classroom will be equipped with a mobile cart of iPads with keyboards. Every 6th – 8th grade student will receive an iPad with keyboard and backpack to take home. Every 9th – 12th grade student will be issued a MacBook Air laptop and backpack.
How much will it cost? What does the cost cover? What are the options for payment?
Students will incur an annual school fee of $50. This fee will include typical instructional and lab fees, as well as new costs related to the technology initiative. This fee must be paid in cash or through credit/debit card payment at back-to-school registration, the Meet Your Mac session for new students, or the Intro to iPad deployment sessions for upcoming 6th graders and new students. The fee must be paid prior to each student being assigned his/her MacBook Air laptop or iPad. Students in grades 6th – 12th will also receive a backpack to properly carry and protect the laptop or iPad issued to them. Elementary students will receive an iPad cover/case to properly protect the iPad while in use. This $50 fee is per child and at all grade levels. Procedures will be in place for students with demonstrated financial hardships (as they have been in years past).
Is the device covered under any insurance plan? What happens if I damage or lose?
Each device is covered by an AppleCare+ protection plan for warrantied damages. If the device suffers non-warrantied damage (liquid spills, cracked screen, etc.), students will be issued a repair fee, which escalates with each subsequent repair request. The fees are listed below:
- 1stRepair - $50 fee
- 2ndRepair - $100 fee
- 3rdRepair - $150 fee
If the device is stolen, a police report must be submitted or the student will be responsible for full replacement costs. If the device is lost, the student is responsible for the full replacement costs.
Can I opt out of participating in the 1:1 program?
No. All students will be engaged in instruction, which integrates this new technology.
How will you manage the devices?
The Clinton Public Schools will utilize JAMF, a Mobile Device Management program installed on each device. The MDM suite allows us to register each device on our server, where we can control the settings of the device, apply rules, and remotely lock/wipe devices and send out software updates. Through this software and other features built-in to the devices, the device’s activities can be monitored.
Is it restricted solely for school purposes? Can I put personal info on it- personal apps, photos, etc?
Students are encouraged to integrate their MacBook Air laptop or iPad into their everyday lives for homework, research and studying purposes. As long as the student-generated content is appropriate and does not violate any policies written in the CPSD Acceptable Use Policy, students may store pictures, music, and use the Internet for related activities.
Social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter will be blocked by our MDM system. Based on the District’s discretion, any websites deemed unproductive to student learning may be blocked using our filter.
Is a credit card required to download and install software?
No credit card is required. The school will purchase all required apps or applications for students and place on their iPad or MacBook Air through our MDM suite. Students will NOT be allowed to download apps on iPads or to install software on their MacBook Airs.
Will my child use the device in every course?
The iPad/MacBook Air will be issued to students to use as a resource for instruction. We expect that how these devices are used in the classroom will vary based on grade level and subject area. Some classes may use these devices as a tool for interactive presentations, data gathering and analysis, creative writing, and in-class processing of content.
My child participates in an after-school club, activity, or sport. Who is responsible for the safe-keeping of the laptop?
We highly recommend that students leave their laptops in their locked school-assigned lockers when participating in after-school events.
When will they receive it? Will there be any training?
Students in grades 6th – 12th will receive their MacBook Air laptops or iPad during August at back-to-school reigistraion, in Meet Your Mac Sessions, or Intro to iPad Sessions. Each student and at least one parent/guardian will be required to attend. Technical support will be provided to assist students with logging into their laptop or iPad. Additional support will be provided by Apple Certified Technicians throughout the school week.