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Section IV — Instructional Procedures and Expectations

Activity Fund Procedures

Activity funds describe all funds received by school officials paid or collected to participate in any school activity, such activity being part of the school program and partially financed with public funds or supplemented by public funds. The school board is authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and regulations designating for what purposes school activity funds may be expended. For a full explanation of the fund-raising activities, purchasing requirements and fiscal management of activity funds, see DK in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Cell Phone Use/Texting by Teachers/Social Media

Teachers are specifically prohibited from the use of cellphones during times assigned for instruction or duties.
It is the duty of all teachers, coaches, extra-curricular sponsors, and staff members (all referred to generally as "Personnel" for the purposes of this policy) to maintain only appropriate communications with students at all times. The Clinton Public School District recognizes that with advances in communication technology, there are more opportunities for out-of-school and non-school related communications between Personnel and students. The increased opportunity for such communication also increases the risk that Personnel will make inappropriate contact with students.

Further, the Clinton Public School District recognizes that there are many convenient and efficient means of communication available to Personnel who need to contact groups of students. Personnel are encouraged to be proactive in the delivery of verbal messages in group settings during scheduled practices or events. The Clinton Public School District understands that group messaging in certain conditions is justifiable.
However, the use of text messaging, instant messaging, chat rooms, email, giving or accepting invitations to personal social networking sites such as Facebook, lnstagram, Twitter, etc., or calling/accepting calls from individual students is a dangerous practice for the supervising adult, especially when these activities take place outside the normal school day or away from school activities. These communications could easily be misconstrued to be inappropriate contact with students and could lead to dismissal and/or criminal charges. Communication with individual students by personnel through the use of these technologies is not permitted and will be viewed as evidence of inappropriate conduct towards students. Please be reminded that any discussion during and after school hours of school related issues through Facebook, lnstagram, Twitter, or other social media is in direct violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Each instance will be dealt with on an individual basis. See CONFIDENTIALITY section on page 27. Email communication or texting with your class or teams must be managed through a district provided communication system. This group email and group text messaging must be conducted during appropriate hours of the day.

As advances in communication technology are made, this policy should be interpreted to cover new developments in technology and new methods of written communication. Infractions with regard to communication methods not specifically identified in this policy but within the scope of what this policy is addressing will be treated as violations of this policy. Policy IFBGAB - Clinton Public School District Board Manual

Community/Parental Relations

The Clinton Public School District encourages appropriate community involvement, parental communication, and business partnerships by the staff in the school system. Refer to Policy GAH in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.


The Clinton Public School District shall operate in compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 regarding student information and records.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) have provided schools, school districts, and state educational agencies guidelines in disclosing student 

records. School officials with a "legitimate educational interest" in any student information can have access to educational records without specific consent of parents or eligible students. A legitimate educational interest is the person's need to know in order to:

  1. Perform an administrative task required in the school employee's position description approved by the school board;
  2. Perform a supervisory or instructional task directly related to the student's educational; or
  3. Perform a service or benefit for the student or the student's family, such as health care, counseling, student job placement, or student financial aid.

However, the misuse or improper disclosure of confidential information by school officials or a third party is strictly prohibited and is punishable by federal statutes.

Electronic access to student information will be limited to job duty specifications of each employee. At no time should this information be printed, transferred, or shared under conditions other than those stipulated in FERPA. A complete explanation of FERPA may be found online at

Controversial Issues

In training for effective citizenship, it is frequently necessary for pupils to study issues that are controversial. However, any issue deemed controversial by students or parents, which could create a divisive educational setting, should be formally approved by the superintendent prior to use in the classroom.
When studies within the classroom create differences of opinion, teachers should implement the following:

  1. Deal with the topics and issues as impartially and objectively as possible. Teachers should not intrude their own biases.
  2. Handle all such topics in a manner suited to the range of knowledge, maturity, and competence of their students.
  3. Have teaching materials dealing with all possible aspects of the topics readily available.
  4. Not expect or require that the class reach an agreement. Differences of opinion are the rights of each citizen.

Should there be a complaint about instructional materials, the Board recognizes the right of individuals regarding controversial materials used by students in the Clinton Public School District. Cross-reference MS CODE 37-7-301 and Clinton Public School District Board Manual Policy KNBA.

Copyright Material Use

The Clinton Public School District employees are responsible for obeying copyright laws and restricted use requirements set forth by publishers and manufacturers.

Discipline Policy

The code of student conduct is provided to all teachers, school personnel, students, and parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year. Each school principal is responsible for the dissemination of the district and school policies. A number of board policies are used in clearly defining the code of conduct. Parents, students, and teachers should refer to the school handbook for specific school policy. Board policies upon which school conduct codes are determined may be found in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual policies JCAA, JCBEA, JCB, JCDAC, JCDAE, JCDB, JD, JDDA, and JCBH.

Field Trips

Any field trip or educational excursion must enrich or enhance the instructional program of a school. The Clinton Public School District specifies the following guidelines:

  1. Field trips and excursions are trips that involve no overnight stays.
  2. The principal must approve all field trips and excursions and shall assign an appropriate number of staff members to have adequate supervision of the students.
  3. After approval by the principal, written information pertaining to each specific field trip must be disseminated to the parents of involved students at least three school days prior to the date of the trip.
  4. School buses or commercial buses must be used to transport students to and from school functions. Students cannot be transported by private vehicles.
  5. Student attendance must be accounted for at all times. To take care of emergencies when parents have to be contacted, a list of all students who will be traveling and their home telephone numbers or other emergency numbers, will be submitted to the principal prior to departure.
  6. Prior to departure all students must submit a signed Parent consent form to the staff member who is to be in charge of the trip. These forms must be kept on file in the principal's office.
  7. In case of any emergency involving an accident or the health of the student, the staff member in charge shall take whatever steps necessary to provide for the needs of the students. In all cases, the parents of the student are to be contacted and apprised of the circumstances of the problem. If required, medical assistance will be sought as soon as possible pursuant to the authorization from the parent(s) on the Parent Consent form. Refer to Policy IFCB - Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

First Aid

School personnel may attend to minor injuries and sickness, but only qualified personnel should attempt to administer first aid to pupils.

First Year Teachers

New teachers and teachers new to the Clinton Public School District will have an opportunity to participate in the Clinton Teacher Induction Program (CTIP) which convenes monthly for sessions, including but not limited to the following:

  • Legal Issues and Professional Ethics
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences and Teacher Evaluation
  • Contextual Alignment
  • Reading Strategies
  • Differentiated Instruction

The training sessions conclude with an evaluation of what participants believe helped them make the transition into the Clinton Public School District.


Assessment must provide timely feedback on specific knowledge and skills for specific students. Teachers are encouraged to provide information to students and parents on the mastery of essential skills of the curriculum.

  • Grades will be given to each student on a nine-week basis.
  • Grades shall reflect a student's progress in meeting the objectives of a course's curriculum.

The receiving school shall accept transfer grades provided that the courses taken are compatible with local and state regulations.

Students entering the ninth grade shall be advised of the method of calculating class rank and grade-point average during spring orientation of scheduling sessions. Grades used to determine class rank shall be the final grades for any course- Special education students in self-contained programs shall not be included in class rank.

Teachers shall maintain accurate records, which show how they determined grades. Grade scale for regular coursework in K-12:

Advanced placement and Honors courses are graded on the same scale as regular coursework; however, they are weighted as follows:

Advanced Placement Courses - 1.1% of grade Honors Courses - 1.05% of grade
Any student scheduling a class and not requesting credit must take all tests, complete assignments and have grades recorded with proper notations. Same attendance requirements as for credit courses will prevail.


Homework in the Clinton Public School District is a necessary extension of the classroom experience. It is assigned with regularity and has a clear relationship to curriculum. The nature of the assignments varies with the needs of the studen( and the type and level of the lesson. In some programs it may be reinforcing skills; in others, it involves exploring new or related subject matter. Homework assists the students in learning how to organize time, to work independently or in groups, to use good study skills, and to develop self-esteem.

Inclement Weather

CPSD will implement an alternate scheduling option for winter weather. In the event of ice and snow, the district may choose to implement a delayed start of school at the following times:

  • 9:25 a.m.—Clinton Park Elementary, Northside Elementary, and Eastside Elementary
  • 9:50 a.m.—Lovett Elementary and Clinton Junior High
  • 10 a.m.—Sumner Hill and Clinton High School

The delayed start times will only be used if it is determined we feel the roads will clear later in the morning. While the start will be delayed, the school day will end at the regular time.

Instructional Model

The Clinton Public School District requires an instructional model designed to meet the needs of every student. The model shall consist of three tiers of instruction.

Tier I:

Quality classroom instruction based on MS        Curriculum Frameworks

Tier II:

Focused supplemental instruction

Tier III: Intensive interventions specifically designed to meet the individual needs of students


Teachers should use progress monitoring information to (a) determine if students are making adequate progress, (b) identify students as soon as they begin to fall behind, and (c) modify instruction early enough to ensure each and every student gains essential skills. Monitoring of student progress is an ongoing process measured through AIMSweb Assessments.

If strategies at Tier II are unsuccessful, students must be referred to the District Support Team prior to placement in Tier Ill. The School Support Team (SST) in conjunction with the Intervention Specialists is responsible for developing interventions based on individual, identified student needs. Each school must have an SST implemented in accordance with the process developed by the Mississippi Department of Education. The chairperson of the SST shall be the school principal as the school's instructional leader or the principal's designee.
Interventions will be as follows:

  • Designed to address the deficit areas;
  • Research based;
  • Implemented as designed by the SST; and
  • Supported by data regarding the effectiveness of interventions.

After a referral is made, the SST must develop and begin implementation of an intervention(s) within two
(2) weeks. No later than eight (8) weeks after implementation of the intervention(s) the SST must conduct a documented review of the interventions to determine the success of the intervention. No later than sixteen
(16) weeks after implementation of the intervention(s), a second review must be conducted to determine whether the intervention is successful. If the intervention(s) is determined to be unsuccessful, then the student will be referred to the District Support Team for further direction.

All students in K-6, including those as specified in the following MDE guidelines will be assessed three times annually using AIMSweb Assessments in reading and math:

  1. Grades 1-3: A student has failed one (1) grade;
  2. Grades 4-12: A student has failed two (2) grades;
  3. A student failed either of the preceding two grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty (20) days in the current school year; or those identified in the lowest quartiles will be referred to the SST for Tier interventions.

Licensure/License Renewal

Educators have the professional and contractual responsibility to participate in the school district's professional development program and in professional development options for license renewal. The selection of professional development options is to be focused on improving student learning. Each educator is responsible for selecting and monitoring his/her individual professional development program. Educators are also responsible for maintaining and submitting documentation for license renewal to the Office of Educator License in the Mississippi Department of Education (See Guidelines for Educator Licensure). Specific questions regarding license renewal must be addressed with the appropriate staff at the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Educator License at 601-359-3483 (Fax: 601-359-2778) or visiting the MOE web site at

License Renewal Requirements
The license may be renewed for one five-year period beyond the present expiration date. Only credits earned from one expiration date to the next may be used for renewal. Only one renewal method may be utilized during a five-year period.

Bachelor's degree or equivalent - Class A
•    Ten (10) continuing education units (CEUs) in content area or job/skill related area
•    Three (3) semester hours in content area or job/skill related area
•    Five (5) continuing education units (CEUs) in content area or job/skill related area
•    Six (6) semester hours in content area or job/skill related area
•    Completion of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards process

Master's degree or above - Class AA, Class AAA, Class AAAA
•    Three (3) semester hours in content area or job/skill related area
•    Five (5) continuing education units (CEUs) in content area or job/skill related area
•    Completion of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards process

Medical Issues

Medication Administration
The Clinton Public School District recognizes that many students from time to time feel well enough and healthy enough to attend school but may require medication during school hours. To accommodate this need and to foster better attendance in school, appropriate school personnel will administer medications to students as prescribed by their physician under the following guidelines.

Long Term (Daily) Medications
In the event that a student is taking daily medications ordered by a physician to be given during school hours, the following procedure will apply:

  1. The parent/guardian is responsible for getting the medication to school. All medications must be in a proper container with a label from the pharmacy, which states the following: student's name, physician, name of medicine, method and time of administration and amount to be given.
  2. School personnel will not administer any prescription medication without a signed and completed Schoof District permission form and a parent's authorization and indemnity agreement. These forms will be effective for the school year in which they are obtained and will be renewed each school year. Parents are responsible for notifying the school of any medication changes in writing, and an updated permission form must be completed and signed to indicate the changes.
  3. The school district shall permit self-administration of medication (such as asthma medications or insulin) if the parent or guardian provides written authorization to the school. Upon fulfilling the requirements, a student may possess and self-administer medications under the supervision of school personnel.
  4. Each school will have specific procedures for locked storage of medicine. Logs will be maintained and will include the student's name, person who administers medication, time and date of administration.

Short Term Medication Administration
The medication dosage must be pre-packaged by the parent in individual doses (for instance an envelope or bottle). The package must be labeled with the student's name, the name of the medicine, the amount and time it is to be given.

The medications must be left with the teacher or office personnel at the school that the student attends. The school should be provided with a written permission form for the medication to be administered, including the student's name, amount, and time to be given. If difficulty is encountered in administering the medication, such as lost medications, difficulty swallowing, unclear administration instructions, etc., the dose will be missed, and a note sent home with a statement of the problem. If the medication is of such a critical nature that missing a dose will represent a hazard to the student, the parent should state so on the note sent to school.

Medical Diagnosis
Teachers, administrators, counselors or any other school personnel are not qualified to make a medical diagnosis in reference to any student. This includes the medical diagnosis of ADD/ADHD.

Medications for Minor Pain Relief
School personnel shall not exceed the usual practice of first aid and shall not diagnose illness or suspected injury; however, students occasionally develop headaches and minor discomfort at school. If no fever or vomiting is present, appropriate school personnel may administer an age-appropriate dose of acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil), with parental permission. Date, time and dosage should be documented accordingly. For information concerning medications, see Policy JGCD - Clinton Public School District Board Policy Manual.

Parent Conferences

Each school principal will provide time for school-wide parent/teacher conferences each year. As the need for parent conferences arises throughout the year, teachers should make every effort to accommodate parents' schedules for conferences. The teacher should inform the principal of any conference in which a third party may be required to attend the conference.

Promotion/Retention Policy

General Policies

  1. Promotion and retention shall be based upon the mastery of objectives/ benchmarks from the Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks.
  2. The primary responsibility for determining each pupil's level of performance and ability to function at the next level shall be that of the classroom teacher subject to review and approval by the principal.
  3. Each teacher shall ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn through the implementation of the district curriculum based on the Mississippi Frameworks. Data from the assessments identified in the district curriculum will guide instructional design.
  4. A complete set of records must be maintained on each student's performance for documentation. These records must contain an account of each student's performance including any needed interventions. It is the responsibility of each teacher to identify pupils not making satisfactory progress toward achieving grade level objectives.
  5. Standardized tests and Mississippi Curriculum tests should be used for guidance purposes.
  6. Each principal shall ensure that the school is appropriately disseminating information to the parents. This information is to include data such as student progress and minimum skills required before assignment can be made to the next grade or course level. Each school will provide an opportunity for a parent-teacher conference each semester.
  7. Parents must be notified of deficiencies in academic progress no later than the middle of each quarter. Parents must receive written notification at the end of the second quarter if there is any doubt about a student progressing to the next grade or course level. Additionally, the parents of any student who is going to be retained should receive notice at least 10 days before report cards are issued.

Refer to Policy IHE in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual for a complete explanation of district policy by grade including the appeal process for retention.

Reports of Child Abuse/Neglect

Any school employee having reasonable cause to suspect that a child is neglected or abused is required by Mississippi Code of 1972 (§43-21-353) to make an oral report immediately to the school principal
/designated supervisor and by telephone or otherwise to the Child Protection Services (CPS). As soon as possible thereafter, a written report must be filed with CPS. Reports must contain the names and addresses of the child and parents or other persons responsible for the child's care. If known, the child's age, nature and extent of injuries, any evidence of previous injuries, and other information pertinent to establishing cause of the injury and identity of the perpetrator should be included in the report. Reports of abuse and neglect made under this law and the identity of the reporter are confidential except when the court in its discretion determines the testimony of the person reporting to be material to a judicial proceeding. A school employee makes a required report pursuant to this law is presumed to be acting in good faith. Any person reporting in good faith is immune from civil or criminal liability. MS Code (§43-21-355).

Salary Schedule

Salary schedules are posted on the district website. Go to, choose the Department pull down menu, select Human Resources & Payroll, and choose the Salary Schedule from Department Files.

Student Conduct

All employees will be provided with an explanation of both their responsibilities and their rights under the law in terms of actions that they may take to maintain order, discipline, and an appropriate educational environment. A student code of conduct, developed under the leadership of the district administration, and in cooperation with staff, will be made available and distributed to parents and students outlining student conduct expectations and possible disciplinary actions, including consequences for disorderly conduct, as required by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). In addition, each school will publish a student/parent handbook detailing additional rules specific to that school. Policy JCD - Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Technology Acceptable Use Policy

The Clinton Public School District's Board of Trustees is pleased to support the Clinton Public School District's 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative, an innovative plan focused on enhancing academic learning through new technology resources. As such, the district provides its students and staff access to a variety of technological resources, including laptop computers and iPads.

Expectations for use of School Technological Resources
School district technological resources may only be used by students, staff and others expressly authorized by the Technology Department. The use of school district technological resources, including access to the Internet, is a privilege, not a right.

Individual users of the school district's technological resources are responsible for their behavior and communications when using those resources. Responsible use of school district technological resources is defined as a use that is ethical, legal, respectful, academically honest, and supportive of student learning.

All employees must be informed annually of the requirements put forth in this policy and the methods by which they may obtain a copy of this policy. A full version of the Internet and Email Safety and Acceptable Use Computer Policy (Policy Code IFBGA) may be found on the Clinton Public School District website.

Before using school district technological resources, employees must sign a statement indicating that they understand and will strictly comply with these requirements. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in disciplinary action, including revocation of user privileges. Willful misuse may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal law.

Rules for Use of School Technological Resources

  1. School district technological resources are provided for school-related purposes only during school hours. Acceptable uses of such technological resources are limited to responsible, efficient, and legal activities that support learning and teaching. Use of school district technological resources for political purposes or for commercial gain or profit is prohibited.
  2. School district technological resources are installed and maintained by employees of the Technology Department. Students and employees shall not attempt to perform any installation or maintenance without the permission of the Technology Department.
  3. Under no circumstance may software purchased by the school district be copied for personal use.
  4. Employees must comply with all applicable laws, including those relating to copyrights and trademarks, confidential information, and public records. Any use that violates State or Federal law is strictly prohibited.
  5. No user of technological resources, including a person sending or receiving electronic communications, may engage in creating, intentionally viewing, accessing, downloading, storing, printing or transmitting images, graphics (including still or moving pictures), sound files, text files, documents, messages, or other materials that are obscene, defamatory, profane, pornographic, harassing, abusive, or considered to be harmful to minors. All users must comply with policy JDDA (Student Bullying) and policy JCBEA (Harassment, Threat, Violence and Assault) when using school district technology.
  6. The use of anonymous proxies and or Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to circumvent content filtering is prohibited.
  7. Users may not install or use any Internet-based, file-sharing program designed to facilitate the sharing of copyrighted material.
  8. Users of technological resources may not send electronic communications fraudulently (i.e., by misrepresenting the identity of the sender).
  9. Users must respect the privacy of others. When using email, chat rooms, biogs, or other forms of electronic communication, employees must not reveal personal identifying information or information that is private or confidential, such as the home address, telephone number, credit or checking account information, or social security number of themselves. In addition, employees must not disclose on school district websites, web pages, or elsewhere on the Internet any personally identifiable, private, or confidential information concerning students (including but not limited to names, addresses, birthdates, social security numbers, login information, etc.) without the written permission of a parent or guardian or an eligible student, except as otherwise permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or policy JRAB (Compliance with FERPA). Users also may not forward or post personal communications without the author's prior consent.
  10. Users may not intentionally or negligently damage computers, computer systems, digital or electronic devices, software, computer networks or data of any user connected to school district technological resources. Users may not knowingly or negligently transmit computer viruses, self-replicating messages, or deliberately try to degrade or disrupt system performance. Users must scan any downloaded files for any school district computer, electronic device, or network without the express permission of the employees of the Technology Department.
  11. Users are prohibited from engaging in unauthorized, such as "jailbreaking," unlawful activities, such as "hacking," or using the computer network to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized or unlawful access to other computers, computer systems, or accounts.
  12. Users are prohibited from using another individual's ID or password for any technological resource.
  13. Users may not read, alter, change, block, execute, or delete files or communications belonging to another user without the owner's express prior permission.
  14. Employees shall not use passwords or user IDs for any data system for an unauthorized or improper purpose.
  15. If a user identifies a security problem on a technological resource, he or she must immediately notify an employee of the Technology Department. Users must not demonstrate the problem to other users. Any user identified as a security risk will be denied access viruses.
  16. Users may not create or introduce games, network communications programs, or any foreign program or software onto any district device.
  17. Teachers shall make reasonable efforts to supervise students' use of the Internet during instructional time to ensure that such use is appropriate for the student's age and the circumstances and purpose of the use.

  18. Personal views may be expressed on the Internet or other technological resources as representing the views of the school district or part of the school district only with prior approval by the Superintendent or designee.

  19. Without permission by the board, users may not connect any personally owned technologies such as laptops, workstations, wireless access points, and routers, etc. to district owned and maintained networks. Connection of personal devices such as iPods, smartphones, digital tablets and printers is not permitted. The board is not responsible for the content accessed by users who connect to the Internet via their personal mobile telephone technology (e.g., 3G, 4G, LTE service).

  20. Users must back up data and other important files on a regular basis (daily).

  21. Those who use district owned and maintained technologies to access the Internet at home are responsible for both the cost and configuration of such use.

Device User Agreement

This agreement is made effective upon receipt of Device, between Clinton Public School District ("CPSD") and the individual receiving a device. In consideration of being provided with a device, software, and related materials for use while employed or enrolled at CPSD, the individual receiving a device hereby agrees as follows:

    1. Ownership: CPSD retains sole right of ownership of the Device and grants permission to the individual to use the Device according to the guidelines set forth in this document and the Acceptable Use Policy. Moreover, CPSD administrative staff retains the right to collect, monitor, and/or inspect the Device at any time. This includes electronic remote access to alter, add, or delete installed software and/or content.
    2. Substitution of Equipment: In the event a laptop is inoperable, CPSD has a limited number of spare devices (loaner) for use while the Device is repaired or replaced. In the event an iPad is inoperable, CPSD will issue a replacement device. This agreement remains in effect for such a substitute. The individual may not opt to keep a broken Device or avoid using the Device due to loss or damage. If the individual forgets to bring his/her operable Device or a power adapter to school, a substitute may not be provided.
    3. Responsibility for Electronic Data: It is the sole responsibility of the individual to backup all data as necessary. CPSD does not accept responsibility for loss of any such data or for the individual's own software/music/photos, etc. CPSD recommends that the individual perform regular (daily) backups of data to Google Drive. CPSD may periodically conduct maintenance that will require the individual to re-install all non-CPSD issued files


    1. The individual is prohibited:

      1. From covering, removing, or altering the asset tags that are placed on the Device.

      2. From removing or altering the district provided case for students.

      3. From adding, removing, or altering system critical files on the assigned Device.
        Note: The software originally installed by CPSD must remain on the Device at all times.
        From altering the physical appearance of the Device (i.e., stickers, skins, drawings, etc.)

    2. The individual is permitted:

      1. To install applications on the assigned Device through the Self-Service application.

      2. To request additional software needed for educational purposes through the Freshdesk ticketing portal.


    1. Warranty for Equipment Defects: CPSD has purchased a three-year manufacturer's warranty (AppleCare) covering parts, labor, and manufacturer defects. Manufacturer defects DO NOT include liquid and accidental damages (liquid spill, cracked screen, dropped machine, excessive abuse, etc.). Applicable fines will be assessed as shown below (3.2).

    2. Responsibility for Damage: The individual is responsible for maintaining a fully working Device at all times. Refer to the Device Care Guide for a description of expected care. These policies apply regardless of where the damage occurs - either on campus or off campus.

      If the individual's Device is damaged, the individual will be responsible for paying a flat deductible (shown below) regardless of the actual cost of the repair. These rates are based on damage repairs within the same school year.
      First damage repair: $50
      •    Second damage repair: $100
      •    Third damage repair: $150
      Further or excessive damage may result in off-campus privileges being revoked.

      If the repair requires a fee from the individual, a letter will be sent to that individual's bookkeeper and relayed to the parents of the student. Unpaid fees for students will result in exams and/or report card being held until the fee is paid. Unpaid fees for employees will result in the amount being withheld from their CPSD paycheck.

      1. Repair Procedure: Under no circumstances should the individual take the Device to a third-party repair location, including the Apple Store. If the individual requires any technical support, the individual will need to enter a support ticket into our Freshdesk ticketing portal. The Device will be assessed, and if further repair is required, a loaner or replacement Device will be issued to the individual.

      2. Excessive Abuse/ Negligence: CPSD reserves the right to charge the individual the full cost for repair or replacement when damage occurs due to excessive abuse and/or negligence. All incidents deemed as excessive abuse and/or negligence will be investigated and fined accordingly by administration and/or the technology department.

      3. Responsibility for Stolen/Lost Devices: In the event the Device is stolen or lost, the individual must notify their school's administrator(s) and follow the procedures below:
        - If a Device is stolen, the individual must notify authorities and submit a copy of the police report to their school's administrator(s). Once a police report is on file, the individual may not incur any further damage deductible.
        - In the event the Device is lost, the individual may be assessed replacement costs.
        - Individuals who have a device lost or stolen may no longer be allowed to take their device off campus, at the discretion of the school administrator.

      4. Responsibility for Device Return: The Device, charger, accessories, and backpack or bag issued to the individual for use while employed or enrolled in Clinton Public Schools, is the property of the State of Mississippi and all items are to be returned to the school office within 5 business days of the last day of the current term or the student's withdrawal date. By signing this form, the employee or parent/guardian is taking responsibility for this device and will be held liable in the event the device is not returned. Failure to do so will be deemed as Embezzlement of Borrowed Property, pursuant to statute 97-23-27 of the Mississippi Code. The willful refusal to return property will result in criminal prosecution.

        The Clinton Public School District will at times perform maintenance on the devices by imaging and other support-related services. All files not backed up will be deleted during this process. Keep a personal backup of all files for data retrieval.

No right of privacy exists in the use of technological resources. Users should not assume that files or communications accessed, downloaded, created or transmitted using school district technological resources or stored on services or hard drives of individual devices will be private. School district administrators or individuals designated by the Superintendent may review files, monitor all communication, and intercept email messages to maintain system integrity and to ensure compliance with board policy and applicable laws and regulations. School district personnel shall monitor online activities of individuals who access the Internet via a school-owned device or district-owned equipment. Under certain circumstances, the board may be required to disclose such electronic information to law enforcement or other third parties, for example, as a response to a document production request in a lawsuit against the board, as a response to a public records request, or as evidence of illegal activity in a criminal investigation.

Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. Employees are responsible for reporting information security violations to appropriate personnel. Employees should not demonstrate the suspected security violation to other users. Unauthorized attempts to log onto any school system computer on the board's network as a system administrator may result in cancellation of user privileges and/or additional disciplinary action. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other systems may be denied access. Users of school district technology resources are expected to respect school district property and be responsible in using the equipment. Users are to follow all instructions regarding maintenance or care of the equipment. Users may be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by intentional or negligent acts in caring for computers while under their control. The school district is responsible for any routine maintenance or standard repairs to school system computers.

The district recognizes the use of online social media networks as a communications and e-learning tool. As a result, the district provides password-protected, innovative social tools for e-learning and collaboration purposes. However, public social media networks may not be used for classroom instruction without prior consent of the Superintendent. The use of social media for personal use during district (on-contract) time is prohibited. The district may use publicly available social media for fulfilling its responsibility for effectively communicating in a timely manner with the general public, through designated employees at the direction of the board.

The Superintendent may use any means available to request the removal of personal websites that substantially disrupt the school environment or that utilize school district or individual school names, logos, or trademarks without permission.

1. Employees
All employees are to maintain an appropriate, professional relationship with students at all times. Employees' personal websites and social media posts, displays or communications must comply with all State and Federal laws and any applicable district policies, including the Mississippi Educator Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, which requires professional, ethical conduct. All communications are subject to board policy IFBGAB (Electronic Communication/Texting).

2. Volunteers
Volunteers are to maintain an appropriate relationship with students at all times. A volunteer is encouraged to block students from viewing personal information on the volunteer's personal websites or online networking profiles in order to prevent the possibility that students could view materials that are not age appropriate. An individual volunteer's relationship with the school district may be terminated if the volunteer engages in inappropriate online interaction with students.

The board makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. The board will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any user. Such damages include, but are not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions, whether caused by the school districts or the user's negligence, errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user's own risk. The school district specifically disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its Internet services.

Use of Private Vehicle to Transport Students

Employees of the Clinton Public School District may not transport students in their private vehicle for any school related purpose. Commercial vehicles are to be utilized for this purpose. If in an emergency, an employee must transport a student they must have express written permission from their supervisor/principal as well as approval of the Director of Finance. In the case of off-site field trips, at least one employee should obtain this written approval as part of the field trip planning process. Employees in this circumstance must have a valid driver's license, a clean driving record per the Department of Motor Vehicles and proof of insurance on file with the district. In the case of transporting a single student, two adults must be in the vehicle for the protection of the student and employee. See CPSD Policy EDAE

Wellness Policy

The link between nutrition, physical activity, and learning is well documented. Healthy eating and activity patterns are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential, full physical and mental growth, and lifelong health and well-being.

All students in the Clinton Public School District shall possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices and enjoyable physical activity choices for a lifetime. All staff in the Clinton Public School District are encouraged to model healthful eating and physical activity as a valuable part of daily life. Board Policy directs schools to effectively utilize school and community resources and to equitably serve the needs and interests of all students and staff, taking into consideration differences in culture. Policy JG - Clinton Public School District Board Manual