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Section III — Employee Expectations


Any employee who anticipates an absence for any reason should report that absence to his/her principal or immediate supervisor in advance or the day of the absence or will lose full payment for unreported absences. Refer to the Employee Benefits section of this document for sick leave policy.

Accident Reports

Any accident involving school personnel, students, or others on school property should be reported immediately to the principal. All accidents involving district vehicles should be reported to the proper law enforcement agency and the superintendent of schools. Any accident involving school personnel or students participating in a school event away from Clinton Public School District should be reported immediately to the school supervisory representative on the trip and to the school superintendent.

Alcohol and Controlled Substances Prohibition

No employee of the Clinton Public School District, whether licensed or unlicensed, shall possess, sell, use, transmit, or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, or any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, or marijuana while at work on school property, in school vehicles, or at school­ sponsored activities. Valid drugs prescribed to employees are exempted with the exception of a prescribed narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any other controlled substance, as defined under state and federal law (See Board Policy GBRL). Violation of the policy by an employee may result in dismissal from employment with the school district.

Transportation employees are subject to regulation by the Federal Highway Administration and the United States Department of Transportation. As such, employees who are engaged as drivers of commercial motor vehicles and who are subject to commercial driver's license requirements must participate in mandatory random drug testing procedures. Drivers are prohibited from using controlled substances and will be tested for Marijuana, Amphetamines, Opiates, Cocaine, and Phencyclidine (PCP). Drivers are prohibited from possessing alcohol while on duty and from consuming alcohol four hours prior to duty or for eight hours after involvement in an accident. Drivers may not at any time refuse to consent to this policy. Any driver in violation of this policy may be subject to termination. Refer to the Code of Federal Regulations 49, Sections 40,382,391, and 395 as amended in 1994; the MS Code of 1972, Section 71-7-1; and Policy GBRL in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Background Checks

The Clinton Public School District requires that all persons recommended for employment submit to a current criminal records background check and a current child abuse registry check. This check is performed for licensed and unlicensed prospective employees. Prospective employees must pay a processing fee for the checks.

Bullying or Harassing Behavior

The Board of Trustees of the Clinton Public District prohibits bullying or harassing behavior of students, school employees, or volunteers. (HB 263-A) Bullying or harassing behavior is defined as any pattern of gestures or written, electronic, or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual perceived differentiating characteristic that:

  1. places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or
  2. creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student's education, including but not limited to educational performance, opportunities, or benefits.

The Clinton Public School District encourages anyone who has witnessed or has reliable information that a student or school employee has been subject to any act of bullying or harassing behavior to report the incident to the appropriate school official. Retaliation or reprisal against any person, including a victim, a witness, or another person, who in good faith provides information concerning an incident of bullying or harassing behavior, is prohibited. (HB 263-B)

The school district will act to investigate all complaints, formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment, threats, violence, or assault, and to discipline or take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who is found to have violated this policy. For more information and reporting procedures, refer to MS Code 97-3-107 Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime, US Dept. of Ed., 1999, or see Section J of the Clinton Public School District policies JCA, JCBEA, JDDA.

Hourly Employees—Hours & Duties

Hourly employees are scheduled for a 40-hour week or less. The duties and responsibilities of hourly employees will be as fixed and prescribed in the job description approved by the Board of Trustees. Time schedules are assigned as follows:

1.    Maintenance Workers - assigned by the Director of Buildings and Grounds and the Director of Transportation
2.    Assistant Teachers - assigned by building principal
3.    Clerical Staff - assigned by building principal and/or department director
4.    Technology Support Staff- assigned by the Director of Technology
5.    Cafeteria workers - assigned by the Director of Food Service and the Cafeteria Managers
6.    Bus drivers - assigned by the Director of Transportation

Employee Conduct

Employees of the Clinton Public School District are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect positively on the school district and community, thus promoting a positive environment for teaching, learning, and student well-being.
The dignity of students, employees and of the educational environment shall be maintained at all times. Unseemly dress, conduct, or the use of abusive, foul or profane language in the presence of students or other stakeholders is expressly prohibited and will not be tolerated.


The Clinton Public School District values the potential for instructional improvement provided by a valid and reliable teacher evaluation system. The evaluation procedures follow the guidance of the MS Professional Growth System that supports educator effectiveness. Through the evaluation process, strengths and weaknesses will be identified and communicated to teachers. Appropriate guidance and assistance will then be provided as needed to assist in improving performance.

Grievances and Complaints Procedures

As the primary means of solving staff complaints and grievances, the Board expects each administrator to
(1) discover and practice effective means of resolving differences that may arise among employees and administrators; (2) reduce potential reasons of complaints and grievances; and (3) establish and maintain recognized channels of communication between the staff, administration, and Board.

In the resolution of grievances, hearings at all administration levels shall be:

  • Conducted in the presence of the administrator who made the ruling, which are the subject of the grievance and the presence of any other staff member personally involved.
  • Held only after due written notification to all persons concerned.
  • Free from interference, coercion, restraint, discrimination, or reprisal.
  • Held in private, with only the persons involved and/or their representatives present.
  • Summarized in writing or on tape, with an official record kept for the district.

Additional information may be found in Policy GAEP of the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.


It is the policy of the Clinton Public School District to maintain a learning and working environment free from any form of sexual or racial harassment, defined as "a knowing and/or willful course of conduct directed at a specific person which seriously alarms, annoys, harasses, or threatens the person, and which serves no legitimate purpose. The course of conduct must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress and must actually cause substantial emotional distress to the person." [Code 97-3-107 (4)]

The school district will act to investigate all complaints, formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment, threats, violence, or assault, and to discipline or take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who is found to have violated this policy. For more information and reporting procedures, refer to MS Code 97-3-107 Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime, US Dept. of Ed., 1999.

News Media/Interview Requests

The Public Information Officer (PIO) is responsible for providing accurate and timely information to all educational staff, students, and citizens of the community regarding the efforts by the district to provide each student with the best possible education and preparation. The Athletic Director is responsible for approving all interview requests for sports-related news. The Public Information Officer or Athletic Director must approve all information and interview requests prior to publishing or airing with the exception of superintendent media releases. Parents in the district must sign a release to give or deny permission for their child(ren) to participate in any public relations activities or school related websites.

Educators should report noteworthy activities within classrooms and schools to the PIO as the support arm for all staff in informing the media and the community of events, activities, and stories.

Outside Employment

The school board considers a professional assignment in the school district a full-time job. Employees shall not engage at any time in any outside employment that would interfere with their effectiveness in performing regular assigned duties; would compromise or embarrass the school system; or would in any way conflict with assigned duties. Employees shall not be employed or involved in any private or otherwise public business during hours necessary to fulfill their contractual responsibilities. See Policy GBRG found in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Conflict of Interest

It is also unlawful for any school district employee to have a direct or indirect financial interest in any firm or corporation that enters into a contract with the school district for construction, repairs, improvements of any school facility, or providing any supplies, materials, programs, or resources. This applies to contracts or subcontracts. The board of trustees may, at its discretion, be authorized to contract with a teacher or other school district employee to perform extra work without being in violation of the provisions of this section.


Overtime pay for classified employees can be authorized in emergency situations but only then with the approval of the Superintendent. Failure to obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to overtime being incurred could result in disciplinary action. Employees who incur overtime are expected to adhere to Board policy GCRAA and offset this time before the fiscal year-end.

In order to earn overtime, an employee must be on the job for forty (40) hours during the workweek prior to becoming eligible for overtime. It is the responsibility of the department in which overtime is performed to pay the overtime rate. Paid leaves of absence, except for approved school business, do not count toward the 40-hour workweek.

Overtime shall be paid at not less than one and one-half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked which are classified as overtime. Legal reference: Fair Labor Standards Act Amendment of 1966 and Policy GCRAA in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Parking/Personal Property

The district is not responsible for damage or theft to cars or other personal property. Employees are asked to park their automobiles in designated areas.

Personnel Assignment

The superintendent of schools has the power and authority to make assignments to the various schools in the district of all non-instructional, non-licensed employees, and all licensed employees. This includes the authority to make reassignment of such employees as deemed appropriate provided that the employee is properly licensed in the position to which he or she is moved. All reassignments are subject to review by the school board.

Political Activity of Staff Members

The Board recognizes and encourages the right of its employees, as citizens, to engage in activities, which exemplify good citizenship. However, the board also recognizes that school property and school time, financed by all of the people, shall not be used for political purposes. For a complete listing of allowable activities, see policy GAHB in the Clinton Public School District Board Manual.

Professional Conduct/Dress

Employees of the Clinton Public School District should demonstrate professional conduct that follows the generally recognized professional standards. (Mississippi State Department of Education, Code of Ethics, Standards of Conduct, 1-7.)

All employees are expected to be neat and well-groomed at all times while at work. An employee's dress or appearance may not be so unusual, inappropriate or lacking in cleanliness that it clearly disrupts class or the learning environment. Administrators reserve the right to make a determination as to the appropriateness of an employee's appearance and will do so in a non-discriminatory manner.

Administrators/supervisors may ask an inappropriately dressed employee to leave work and return when dressed in proper attire. Violation of this policy may subject an employee to discipline, up to and including termination.

Safety/Crisis Management

A District Crisis Management Plan has been developed and is in effect in each school of the district along with individual school emergency plans. In case of an emergency, refer to the school emergency plan and/or the District Crisis Management Plan available in each School Office or on the district website. All employees are expected to become familiar with building procedures in the event of an emergency such as fire, tornado, intruders, etc. When drills are staged, every staff member and student must follow proper procedures.

In the event of a crisis, employees must defer to their school or district administration for all external communications. Employees' social media posts, texts, or emails about crisis situations, no matter how well intended, are not permitted. Any member of the media or general public requesting interviews or crisis information should be referred to official school or district communication channels.

School Purchases

Purchase orders are required for the purchase of all commodities, which are to be paid for with public funds and are purchased by employees of Clinton Public School District. Purchase requisitions must be approved by the principal/supervisor, Finance Director, and Superintendent.· Expenditures incurred through purchases not authorized by the principal/supervisor, Finance Director, and Superintendent will become the personal obligation of the purchaser.

Certain exceptions may apply to purchases made by personnel of the maintenance and transportation departments.
State purchasing laws must be observed in all cases. This includes proper bids or quotes on any purchase of $5,000.00 or above. (Federal purchases over $5,000.00 require a second quote).

Suicide Prevention Education In-Service Training

The Board of Trustees of the Clinton Public School District recognizes that suicide is a major cause of death among youth and should be taken seriously. It is the policy of this school district that all newly employed school district employees receive training during the first year they are hired with the exception of those who provide a current certificate showing they have completed the training. All other employees will receive in-service training for suicide prevention bi-annually. See CPSD policy GADAC.

Time Clock Procedures

All licensed or twelve (12) month exempt employees of the Clinton Public School District must clock in each day. All unlicensed, regular employees must clock in and clock out each day. Exempt employees are employees whose position meets the Fair Labor Standards Act guidelines as an exempt position. All workdays must be accounted for by either having time worked or leave entered. The district uses a time system requiring the employee to use the biometric readers thus recording their identity and time worked. Requests for leave and time edits should be entered by the employee in a timely manner. Also. time edits require a note being entered as to the reason for the time edit being necessary. Duplicate leave requests entered by the employee or leave requests entered in error must be recognized and reported no later than the pay cycle following the one in which the error took place. Any leave errors reported after that next pay cycle will not be reversed and added back to the employee's leave balance. It is the responsibility of the principal of each school or departmental director to ensure that employees are trained in the use of the time system and that the time records are accurate and true. Failure of an employee to follow time clock procedures may result in disciplinary action including termination. This includes the repeated use of time edits and time edits that do not include a note.

Tobacco Policy—Employees

The Clinton Public School District Board of Trustees recognizes that smoking is regarded as a health hazard for smokers and non-smokers and that smoking represents a possible safety hazard to buildings and facilities. Because of the Board's responsibility to protect students, staff, visitors, and guests of the school district and maintain a safe environment, smoking is prohibited by all staff, students, visitors, and guests in all school district buildings and district vehicles. The smoking ban is in effect 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For the purpose of this policy, tobacco products will include any substance that contains tobacco, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, or electronic cigarettes. See policy GBRM in the Clinton Public Board Manual for further information

Travel Authorization/Reimbursement

Personnel who have been authorized by the superintendent to travel in performance of their duties shall be reimbursed. Employees will be reimbursed for normal expenses for hotel, food, registration, and transportation based upon actual cost limited to the current allowances approved by the state. The reimbursement shall not exceed current limits for meals as established by the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration and shall not exceed the current state rate for travel made in personal vehicles. Overnight stay is required for reimbursement of meals. Original receipts must be provided to the district for all travel expenses except meals and travel in personal vehicles.

The board expects employees to carpool where two or more employees are traveling to the same destination. In such an event, only one travel expense allowance at the authorized rate per mile shall be allowed for any one trip.
Detailed rules for current allowable expenses, reimbursement rates, etc. are available in the office of the Director of Finance.

Use of District Property

Each individual teacher is held responsible for the condition of his/her classroom. It is no easy task to catch the guilty person involved in cases of defacement of school property. It is more difficult to prove a case against a suspected student. However, all teachers should check student desks from time to time and make an attempt to learn which students might have defaced a desk. Seating charts can be helpful toward this effort. It is the responsibility of all school employees to report acts of defacement.

School district property, furniture, and/or equipment cannot be used for personal reasons. No personal items should be stored on school property.