Employee Handbook
Section III - Employee Expectations
- Absences
- Accident Reports
- Alcohol and Controlled Substances Prohibition
- Background Checks
- Bullying or Harassing Behavior
- Hourly Employees/Hours and Duties
- Employee Conduct
- Evaluations
- Grievances and Complaints Procedures
- Harassment
- News Media/Interview Statements
- Outside Employment
- Conflict of Interest
- Overtime (Classified Employees)
- Parking/Personal Property
- Personnel Assignment
- Political Activity of Staff Members
- Professional Conduct/Dress
- Safety/Crisis Management
- School Purchases
- Suicide Prevention Education In-Service Training
- Time Clock Procedures
- Tobacco Policy (Employees)
- Travel Authorization/Reimbursement
- Use of District Property
Section IV - Instructional Procedures and Expectations
- Activity Fund Procedures
- Cell Phone Use/Texting/Social MediaCommunity/Parental Relations
- Confidentiality
- Controversial Issues
- Copyright Material Use
- Discipline Policy
- Field Trips
- First Aid
- First Year Teachers
- Grading
- Homework
- Inclement Weather
- Instructional Model
- Licensure/License Renewal
- Medical Issues
- Parent Conferences
- Promotion/Retention Policy
- Reports of Child Abuse/Neglect
- Salary Schedule
- Student Conduct
- Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students
- Wellness Policy
The Clinton Public School District complies with all federal and state laws and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital or veteran status or disability, in employment or in the delivery of educational services. This applies to all educational programs and extracurricular activities. Inquiries associated with Title VI and/or accommodations for disabled employees, the public and accessibility of facilities and programs should be directed to Dr. Andy Schoggin, Superintendent at 601-924-7533. Inquiries regarding the application of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (concerning students with disabilities who are not eligible for Special Education) Americans with Disability Act should be directed to Mr. Charles King, Assistant Superintendent, at 601-924-7533. These individuals may be contacted at the district main office located at 201 Easthaven Drive. The mailing address is
P.O. Box 300, Clinton, MS 39060.
All inquiries associated with, or reports of Title IX violations should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator, at 601-924-7533. All physical correspondence may be mailed to P. 0. Box 300, Clinton, MS 39060 or sent via email to aschoggin@clintonpublicschools.com. The physical location of the Central Office is 201 Easthaven Drive, Clinton, MS.