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Modified Calendar FAQs

Modified Calendar FAQs

What is a Modified Calendar?

  • A Modified Calendar is an academic calendar that utilizes longer breaks strategically throughout the school year to combat teacher and student burnout. These breaks are intentionally used to provide enrichment opportunities for students seeking additional challenges as well as intensive interventions for students needing extra help in achieving academic success.

Where did the idea of a Modified Calendar come from?

  • The idea of an alternate calendar was approached during a Superintendent’s Advisory Committee meeting in the early part of the 2022 fall semester. After discussing some ways to combat teacher fatigue and burnout, it was mentioned that other districts were implementing Modified Calendars, allowing for longer breaks between academic quarters. A poll of district employees yielded more insight into the idea. With an overwhelming majority of teachers in favor (83%), CPSD polled parents and guardians to see if they were in favor of the calendar. Over 70% of parents and guardians were in favor of the modified calendar.

How will the Modified Calendar benefit teachers?

  • Global analytics firm Gallup compiled research regarding burnout among various professions such as law enforcement, health care and education. The results of the study indicated burnout among K-12 educators is the highest nationally of all occupations and the burnout gap between K-12 workers and all other workers has only increased. The same research also indicated burnout can be alleviated. The Modified Calendar offers more opportunities for teachers to reset and recharge, allowing for more efficient instruction. 

Are students required to go to school all year long?

  • No. The Modified Calendar is not a year-round calendar. As in years past, students will attend school for 180 days. The fall semester will begin two weeks early in order to allow for extended breaks—one additional week in the fall and one additional week in the spring.

Do students still get a summer break?

  • Under the Modified Calendar, students will still have 8 weeks of school for summer break beginning on Memorial Day in May. 

Is the district taking away other traditional school breaks?

  • No. Traditional holidays and breaks such as Labor Day, Thanksgiving Week, Christmas Break, MLK Day, Presidents’ Day, Spring Break and Good Friday will continue to be observed.

Where will the new breaks fall in the calendar?

  • As in years past, students and faculty will receive a Fall Break. The Modified Calendar extends Fall Break from two days to five days. The additional breaks will allow for ArrowSession opportunities.

What are ArrowSessions?

  • ArrowSessions are five-day stretches of time that allow for remediation and intensive intervention for students needing extra help. These week-long periods also allow for enrichment opportunities for high-performing students. More details about ArrowSessions will be available at a later date. 

Is ArrowSession mandatory?

  • No. These two five-day periods fall outside of the 180-day school year. Students attending ArrowSessions are not required to attend. However, students who do attend will be provided transportation to and from ArrowSessions by the CPSD Transportation Department. 

Is ArrowSession necessary? Why not just wait until summer school?

  • Researchers at Brown University explored student learning and high-dosage tutoring/learning opportunities and found this method proved to be the most effective means of increasing student achievement for targeted students. Researchers have found intensive/high dosage tutoring programs where smaller groups of students focus on subjects over the course of week-long academic breaks have generated positive results. The intent of ArrowSessions (intercessions weeks) is aimed at decreasing skill gaps for students during the course of the school year, rather than waiting for summer course offerings.   

Who will attend ArrowSession?

  • More details about ArrowSessions will be available at a later date.

Will this affect athletic schedules and other activities?

  • Student athletes and performers already practice and compete during traditional school breaks. The change in the academic calendar will not interfere with already scheduled practices or events. 

How will this change affect after school child care?

  • CPSD administrators met with child care facility owners and directors prior to discussions with teachers to ensure this change would not create a burden on after school care facilities. Owners and directors ensured CPSD implementation of the modified calendar would not hinder their efforts at providing quality child care and after school programs. Owners and directors were favorable in implementing the modified calendar. 

I’m afraid these extra breaks in the academic calendar will have negative impacts on my student’s academic capabilities.  

  • Students who struggle to master certain academic skills will have more opportunities to grow and learn during the school year as opposed to summer remediation. Through intensive intervention during the ArrowSession weeks, students will be able to focus on specific skill development that will assist them in achieving academic success.